Can You Bring a Razor on a Plane? TSA Rules Explained (2024)

Can you bring a razor on a plane?
This question has stumped many travelers. And it’s true: there are many factors to consider when bringing a razor on an airplane, and the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has its own rules that must be followed.
To make sure you are aware of all the regulations surrounding this topic, I have put together this article which will explain everything you need to know about bringing a razor on a plane. From TSA restrictions to what type of disposable razors are allowed, I’ve got you covered.
So read on and learn everything you need to know about traveling with your trusty razor!
Can You Bring a Razor on a Plane?

Yes, according to TSA regulations, you can bring a shaving razor on a plane with some restrictions.
Can you bring a disposable razor on a plane?
Disposable razors, which come either as complete disposables or as separate handles and cartridge replacements, are permitted in carry-on luggage with the blade and replacement cartridges included.
Can you bring an electric razor on a plane?
Electric razors may be carried both in checked and carry-on bags.
Can you bring a safety razor on a plane?
Safety razors and straight razors are not allowed in carry-on luggage with the blade attached; however, they can be packed in carry-on without the blade. In this case, the blades must be packed securely in checked baggage.
A little more detail…
Safety razors consist of a metal handle and replaceable double-edged blades that are held in place by a guard preventing direct skin contact with them when shaving.
As mentioned before, safety razors cannot be brought into the cabin if their blades are attached to them due to their easy removal; instead, they should be packed safely in checked baggage without any access to passengers or staff members during the flight.
The same rules apply to a straight razor. Because of the sharp razor blades, these items are considered dangerous and can only be transported in your checked luggage.
Disposable razors come as one-piece disposable handles that include single-use blades fixed to them and made of plastic or metal materials. There are disposable razor heads that allow you to replace the cartridges containing multiple blades each time they become dull or damaged.
Both types of disposable razors may be brought into the cabin but with caution due to their sharp edges; thus they should always be packed away from people’s access within your suitcase.
Electric razors are powered tools used for facial hair grooming purposes which do not pose any risk at all when packing them inside your carrying bag either in checked or carry-on luggage since no sharp edges will reach someone’s skin even if accidentally handled by inexperienced individuals during security checks or airport staff handling your bags during transit times between flights.
Will TSA Stop You for a Razor?
As long as you follow the guidelines and don’t bring any loose razor blades, which are considered dangerous sharp objects, you should be fine passing through security without extra checks.
Of course, airport security might ask you to take out any item from your carry-on bag, so be prepared to show them that your items comply with their rules.
Can I Bring Shaving Gel on a Plane?
Yes, the TSA permits travelers to bring shaving gel onboard a plane as long as the amount is in compliance with the limits for liquid (no more than 3.4oz/100ml).
It’s also best practice to keep your liquids like shampoos, lotions, and shaving cream sealed and stored separately from other items in your carry-on luggage such as clothes, books, electronics, etc., just to be safe.
Key Takeaways
Packing smartly and safely is the way to go when traveling with your razor.
Rest assured, you can bring a razor on a plane, as long as you comply with the TSA safety regulations.
And if you’re traveling internationally, be sure to check with the airline and airport country-specific regulations to be absolutely sure what is allowed in your checked and carry-on bags.
Safe travels, friends!